Sunday 16 November 2014

Kate Moross Graphic designer

Kate Moross is a designer, illustrator and art director based in London. 
She has been profiled in 'Grafik Magazine', 'Dazed and Confused', 'Vice Magazine' and 'Creative Review', who selected her for a Creative Future Award in 2007. Kare also ran with the torch in Lewisham for the London Olympics 2012.

          (Evaluation on Kate's work below)

These are Kate Moross artwork. Hand drawn first then scanned then illustrated. These bold colourful choices she has created give a fun explosion to her work that brings out a smile. Random patterns & shapes bring a very out the box imagination that Kate shows in her work, also the slogans give a creative enthusiasm to the viewer. They catch the viewers attention wonderfully with large, bold bubble type font done by illustrator. Easy to read and to get the different meanings Kate draw into her work.  I like Kate's work for the crazy like shapes & colours that give them that positive vibe that works well altogether.
They do have the same theme to them but Kate manages to switch up the look with different imagery or no imagery at all. Your eyes roam the art with interest as you keep noticing different things about it each time you look at it. Although some might consider it to much to others it's just fun and easy to understand by the positive emotion the bright colours and party-like genre produce.
The art is successful in grabbing the views attention and keeping it.

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