Friday 13 February 2015

Photography: Masks 2 with Models

Continuing the mask gallery we have used four beautiful models to wear the masks to give a different view to the assessment.

Using lighting we created a half shadowed effect that brings out the mystery/opera feel that is portrayed when the masks are worn. I'll admit it was hard photographing the models as I know they were unsure and I didn't have the heart to boss them around as for two reasons 1. They are my classmates and 2. I didn't have the background or props I wanted (they would have been hard to find and bring in really) to really show them off but I made do with what I had and I did get some great results.
I tried to shoot from different sides to see what results I would get, some successful others unfortunately not. Though I am pleased with many of my photos and I thank the models for that.
Here are some photos for you to see:

Directing them to not always look at the digital camera (nikon d40) directly gave the photos a different outlook to the them. Increasing the mystery feel as well as adding to it a fashionable theme that gives them a positive change and shows the wide range of themes masks can produce to the viewer. Again not sticking to just central position I tried to catch them looking away or shift it to the side a bit to get a fuller look at the different angles. Taken in college studio I also used a black background again for the models as I do think that the black makes them look more professional then the white would have. There really isn't a colour palette as the colours used are of course natural and I think would suit better then putting them in black'n'white as it gives the theme more life then colourless tones. The black highlights both the masks and models while I think the white would have washed them out.
Although the background I really wanted was one of a cafe at night and the props would have been a slim table with chairs that they all would have sat around and I'd photograph them that way at different angles and closeness.
Though these do give good results and some will be use for final pieces.
I especially love the second to last photo of the white mask, the angle is beautiful and makes the mask have a stronger appeal. The pink masks I also think are appealing more as the hand positions with the black nail polish contrast wonderfully with the mask and theme.
The final photos will be on a different page also.
Photography: Masks 3 Finalists.

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