Friday 27 February 2015

Typography: I'm Alive Lyrics Art

The Guardian has ask us to create typography pieces of two different styles using lyrics from songs we find inspirational to us. My first typography piece is a random chaotic style that has a jumble effect that is pleasing to the eyes of some, others may find it a mess but like the technique as it's different from the normal neat style. My second piece it much more simple and has a charming effect as the lyrics have been put in shapes this time making it a complete opposite to the first, they both contrast each other in a positive way has they highlight their strengths more then their weakness.
My typography lyric art pieces.
Using the song lyrics of I'm Alive by Becca to create my pieces with a little of Celine Dion I'm Alive lyrics also in the first piece but not the second.

Illustrator was used to create my Lyric pieces, I am pleased that I managed to use illustrator with few hiccups and finish my final pieces the way I had visioned.

The first piece is a combination of I'm Alive by Becca and I'm Alive by Celine Dion lyrics, we had to pick a song, I'm Alive by Becca, that emotional inspired us and create a typography piece with those lyrics. I also choose Celine Dion's song to be the middle section and break up Becca's so it wouldn't be so much repeating. I did a 'random' pattern typography of overlapping with font style Rosewood and put different sections in different colours in a sort of flag style with title in black coming across the page repeatedly in big letters.
I believe the piece to be a success as it's what I had in mind, the colours go well with each other and the Title gives it a professional finish. Neville Brody was the inspiration for my first piece, his style of graphics can go from black and white simple to fun multi colours with a stylish jumble of words and images. I've managed do create my own style version of he's creativity without a complete take over.

My second typography piece is an opposite to the first as that is a random overlap and this is a simple word image style with only one colour to living it up and the font style Curtz MT. I thought it would be a great contrast with the lyrics of only I'm Alive by Becca in shapes of flowers, the lyrics are of dark psychology were as flowers are associated with life and spring.
I'm happy with the results, I managed to give it that certain cute charm despite what the lyrics say producing a warped abstract theme. I believe this piece is also a success.
The typographer who inspired this piece was Ms Kate Moross, her jazzy, un-beat creations had me thinking of creating one my version as the lyrics would be a fantastic contrast to the image of flowers. Though Kate Moross uses bold, multi-colour schemes I decided to do the opposite and go for a black and white theme that brought the piece together very well.

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