Monday 23 February 2015

Typography: Font Choices, Take ya pick...

Font choices: I'll admit although I didn't use most of them (mainly cause I didn't know about them) I like these types more: American Typewriter, Blackmoor LET Plain:2.0, Brush Script MT Italic Jazz LET Plain:1.0, Rosewood Std and Zapfino.

Choosing a font can either be easy or hard depending on if your picky, so have a sheet (like the on above) that shows you the different font so you can save time and pick your font this way.
For my first typography piece the font style I used was Rosewood STD, very nice looking, gives a sort of 3D effect that I thought gave my 1st piece a professional (in my opinion) finish.
The 2nd typography piece I gave it a playful, laid back vibe that i think I achieved by using the font style Curlz MT, curly, cute and mildly simple. 
The red writing in the bottom right hand corner saids it all about my opinion on choosing a font:
"If I had to use any of the font 
choices it would be because either 
the font fitted the project well or because 
I just liked it.  Honest Truth :)"

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