Thursday 5 March 2015

Fashion Sandals: Magazine Cover & Poster

The Guardian asked us to do two final pieces for fashion, I decided to do a magazine cover and a poster that I did on illustrator as I see that has a more professional look for those choices then hand drawn.

My choice of product was hippie sandals so I chose a picture that I thought fit the theme well. I made it the background because I thought is was more stylish and highlighted the product more to the viewer. Colour choices for the title and headlines were so that they would stand out against the image but also harmonise with the colour scheme, pastel warm colours mostly minimal to yellows and oranges that gave it a bit of a tropical feel. The placement was pre-decided as I always saw it designed like that, more for my preference than style choice. The logo and barcode, like the main image I got from the interent, saving them than imperting them onto illustator. I thought those elements would definitely give it an authentic perspective which I was pleased to see that it did.
The title was positioned in a diagonal direction that I thought gave it a nice hippie style combined with the mini gerbara flower symbols I dotted around to bring a relaxed friendly vibe to the cover. The cover turned out better than I imagined and I'm very pleased in my work, as I didn't think I'd be able to use illustator that well. Thanks to the little details like the logo, barcode and flower symbols I've managed to produce in my opinion a clear professional looking digital piece.

For my fashion poster I used photoshop and what a war that was as I had to use the Guardian's computer as the laptop wasn't liking photoshop, luckily I managed to finish it and am very pleased with the results. As it is a fashion promotion I decided a runway for the background would be stylish and bring an affective contrast with the hippie theme. With guidance from the Guardian, I cropped the hippie sandals that also included legs and feet onto the background, so it looks like the legs/sandals have just walked down the runway and are posing. The background image is a bit hazing as I wanted the focus mostly on the sandals, their image is clear and focal. Using the eye-drop icon I could use the colours from the sandals for the title and information to keep to the friendly, relaxing colour scheme.
The font used was brush script as I thought it would combine both fashionable and free flowing styles that would attracted both the chic and the spirited. The titles position is going across the image, like the magazine cover, as that's my trade mark for fashion themed assessments and I like the look it gives it, un-straight, not squared as the saying goes. The placement for the other slogans was more of a classic positioning and easy to spot places. I've included date, time, location and an occasion that I believe give a professional look and bring it to a success it fashion promotion. I am thrilled I have managed to create these wonderful graphic pieces with my luck at computer skills but I am very pleased with the results they gave given me.  

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