Wednesday 18 March 2015

Working in a Studio :Photography Masks

I worked in a classroom studio with a black paper backdrop, one light at a corner angle so it would cast a half shadow over the models face. The camera settings where f 16.0, 1/60, ISO 200. Make sure you are in sharp focus for more of an intense/cleaner image.
The models I used where my class colleagues, they were very brave to have their photos be used in my assessment and they did well and showed off the masks nicely. I needed to take a hundred or so number of photos for plenty of references & choose nine to be my final pieces.

As it was a classroom studio the other class colleagues where also present so I was nervous but I managed to get good photos that i'm pleased with. 

Health and Safety
  • Be aware of plug leads over the floor, don't be in a rush!
  • Give time for the lights to cool before handling them!!
  • Ask first if anyone present has epilepsy!!!
  • Don't blind the model!
  • Have camera strap around neck so less casualties of dropping the camera!!!
  • Floor is clear from bags!!
  • Check to see if gear is in good condition and will work properly!!

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